Learning Resource Center
Learning Resource Center
Hello, Brentwood! I’m the LRC teacher, Mrs. Sullivan. I work with students in grades K-5 as part of their specials rotation. This year is my 24th year at Brentwood, and I am having so much fun!
We will be doing so many things during our time together: learning to use technology safely and responsibility, developing our love of reading, learning how to use the library to find information and awesome books, learning how to research with multiple tools, and exploring STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) projects and experiences. It is my hope that every student loves to come to the LRC and that what we do during our short time together will help students become life-long learners, thinkers, dreamers and creators. I can’t wait to see where the year takes us!
Students come to the LRC twice a week for 30 minutes or once a week fir 1 hour, and will normally check out library books on their first day of the week in the LRC. Please help your student set up a good routine for reading books and returning them to school each week in order to check out new ones.
Book Fairs help to support our library collection, and usually take place during October conferences and in the spring.
Please check Seesaw for the latest information about special events in the library and to see what we are doing!
If you need to contact me, please email me at sullivan.ann@ccsd59.org
Hello, Brentwood! I’m the LRC teacher, Mrs. Sullivan. I work with students in grades K-5 as part of their specials rotation. This year is my 24th year at Brentwood, and I am having so much fun!
We will be doing so many things during our time together: learning to use technology safely and responsibility, developing our love of reading, learning how to use the library to find information and awesome books, learning how to research with multiple tools, and exploring STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) projects and experiences. It is my hope that every student loves to come to the LRC and that what we do during our short time together will help students become life-long learners, thinkers, dreamers and creators. I can’t wait to see where the year takes us!
Students come to the LRC twice a week for 30 minutes or once a week fir 1 hour, and will normally check out library books on their first day of the week in the LRC. Please help your student set up a good routine for reading books and returning them to school each week in order to check out new ones.
Book Fairs help to support our library collection, and usually take place during October conferences and in the spring.
Please check Seesaw for the latest information about special events in the library and to see what we are doing!
If you need to contact me, please email me at sullivan.ann@ccsd59.org